An episode 2 years in the making - 100 HO’s! One hundred episodes of The Hollywood Outsider are now under our belt, and we are celebrating in style with this Extended Director’s Cut of our show.  Don’t worry, there is still plenty of regular HO to go around as we review Despicable Me 2; discuss upcoming releases Red 2, R.I.P.D. and The Conjuring; new trailers for Old Boy and Curse of Chucky, news and emails. We also take a trip down memory lane for our topic and this episode features a Best Of compilation for EACH one of our HO’s, as well as a special outtakes montage. This is the biggest episode of The Hollywood Outsider yet, and it’s one especially for the fans!             Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider at:, itunes, Stitcher Radio, or just drop our feed into your preferre [...]
Direct download: TheHollywoodOutsider100HOs.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 11:30pm PST

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