On this Special Edition of The Hollywood Outsider, Aaron sits down with Camp writer / director Jacob Roebuck and talk about his new film ‘Camp’, the true stories that influenced the film, the camps that inspired the film, as well as the trials of an independent filmmaker to get his film made. Camp is a story about Ken, a self-absorbed Financial Advisor who takes on volunteering at a summer camp for foster kids in order to win a new client. When his new camper, Eli, is assigned to him and Ken realizes how difficult Eli truly is, Ken is at first frustrated with his situation. As he comes to know what causes Eli’s pain, Ken and Eli finally begin to understand each other just a little bit better. Share us on Facebook, Google, and Twitter with your friends who LOVE movies and TV! Subscribe at TheHollywoodOutsider.com, on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!), or anywhere else with an RSS feed. Also, email us at feedback@thehol [...]
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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 1:26pm PST

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