Thu, 15 August 2013
Reviews of Elysium and We’re the Millers;discussing upcoming releases Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, The World’s End and You’re Next; new trailers for The Monuments Men and The Counselor; latest in movie and TV news; and our topic this week: Why all the love for apocalyptic films? Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie & TV Podcast at: iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or just drop our feed into your preferred podcatcher. Leave us a message or text to 818-81-IMAHO(46246) or email us at with thoughts, praise, topic ideas, trivia or Flashbacks of your own.
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_105_Were_the_HOs.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 4:19am PST
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