Every year, we here at The HO like to take a little time and discuss a topic that really hits the core of one of our favorite annual holidays: Halloween! This year, we are broaching a topic we've never really discussed before. Sure, we have talked about our favorite horrific moments in film. We've even discussed what are some of our favorite horror flicks. This time, we are talking about what REALLY scares us on the screen. Spiders? Masked psychos? Kevin Costner's accents? Whatever it is, you won't be disappointed! So listen now to the 4th Annual Halloween episode of The Hollywood Outsider!

Also discussed this week on The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • Our topic this week: What really scares you?
  • Upcoming releases John Wick, Ouija, and St. Vincent
  • Spoiler-free reviews of Dracula Untold, The Judge, Automata, and Mine Games
  • The Trailers for Focus and Powers (which can be watched HERE!)
  • The latest in Movie and TV News including: Warner Brothers and DC Films' huge announcement, HBO GO is going solo, Resident Evil and Mortal Instruments are going to TV, Sam Raimi gets back into the people business
  • Listener feedback
  • and much more!
  • Be sure to listen to Aaron's guest spot on GuiltyFilm!
  • *Email us your thoughts on the episode to feedback@thehollywoodoutsider.com and be sure to join our Facebook Group

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_162_Happy_Happy_HOlloween.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 4:49pm PST

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