Marvel’s The Avengers has conquered the world and the HO’s have assembled to review it, spoiler free! We also manage to discuss upcoming releases (Battleship, The Dictator and What To Expect When You’re Expecting) as well as the latest movie and TV news (What is going on with summer blockbusters Prometheus and Neighborhood Watch; is Sam Raimi losing his own franchise; what exactly IS James Cameron doing now; and much more). Brian gives another go to ‘Stump the HO’, Aaron tries to throw you all a curveball with his ‘What’s THIS Movie?’ clip, and Scott offers up a new ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with this week’s topic ‘From the Outside In’: 3D - Are We Getting Our Money’s Worth? Regular Podcast 1:20:12 NO spoilers are in our Avengers review, but if you stick around until after our normal show credits, we have included a special mini-spoilercast about the film for any that have already seen it. 

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_41.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 9:50pm PST

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