Upcoming releases Brave and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, our thoughts on Ridley Scott’s latest Prometheus, looks at the recent Flight and Wreck-It Ralph trailers are all on tap for this weeks episode. Our From the Outside In topic this week: Spoilers - What is giving away too much of a film? We also discuss the latest movie and TV news (Stephen King’s IT getting a big screen remake; who was just cast as the Robocop villain; Hasbro isn’t done just yet; Andy Samberg is going British; and much more). Justin tries to ‘Stump the HO’, Brian wants you to guess his ‘What’s THIS Movie?’ clip, and Aaron shares a special Father’s Day ‘Flashback DVD’ this week. Be sure to stick around AFTER the show credits outtakes of this weeks show. Please share us on Facebook and Twitter with your friends who LOVE movies and TV! Subscribe on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!)

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_46.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:59pm PDT

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