Upcoming releases Olympus Has Fallen, Admission and The Croods; review of Oz the Great and Powerful; trailers for Kick-Ass 2, The Hangover 3 & Much Ado About Nothing; and Our From the Outside In topic this week: a listener suggested topic on if classic films would benefit or suffer from modern special effects.

As always, we also bring you the latest in movie and TV news (Horrible Bosses and Trainspotting are getting sequels; Good Times the movie; Ridley Scott and Veronica Mars are changing the way the movies work; and much more!); Aaron tries to Stump the HO’s, Scott offers up this week’s ‘What’s This Movie’ clip; and Brian does his best to recast Top Gun.

Segment Start Times (.est.) 0 Opening / Movie News 24:16 Brian’s Trailer Park / Stump the HO 38:34 The Big Screen / Box Office / Justin’s Upcoming Attractions 1:07:45 What’s This Movie? / The Couch 1:15:26 Scott’s DVD Releases / Flashback or Recasting the Classic 1: [...]

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_84_The_HOs_Behind_the_Curtain.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:28pm PST

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