Man of Steel gets our spoiler-free review this week, as well as This is the End and VHS 2; we’re discuss upcoming releases White House Down and The Heat; trailers for 300: Rise of an Empire and Wolf of Wall Street; Our From the Outside In topic this week: Who are the worst film villains and their schemes? Also, stick around after the regular show where we discuss that Man of Steel ending that has caught the internet on fire.

As always, we also talk about the latest in movie and TV news (Avengers 2 is losing a villain; Highlander is losing its star; Spider-Man and Sin City sequels get bounced around;and much more!); Brian tries to Stump the HO’s, Aaron tries to get you to guess this week’s ‘What’s This Movie’ clip; and Scott takes a shot at recasting Caddyshack. Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider at:, itunes, Stitcher Radio, TheHollywoodO [...]

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:29pm PST

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