In 1995, Pixar released their first feature-length film, the computer animated classic Toy Story. Soon after, A Bug’s Life and Toy Story 2 released in quick succession, with titles continuing to drop annually. The studio revolutionized animation for the modern generation, and in 2006 was purchased by the previous dominator in this arena: Disney.

Over the past 20-plus years, Pixar has racked up billions in box office receipts, and even more in memories for movie fans. This week, four of pick our two favorite Pixar classics, and break down what is the greatest Pixar film in history!

Also this week: DC loses Geoff Johns, Anthony Bourdain and the legacy of food in entertainment, Matthew Vaughn reboots Kick-Ass, reviews of Hereditary and Ocean’s Eight, and much more.

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

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