Star Wars: The Force Awakens has finally arrived and the galaxy has exploded with excitement! Well over a decade has passed since we have been treated with a new Star Wars film, so of course we each have our own expectations for J.J. Abrams' new take on George Lucas' science-fiction opus. 

What did we love about the new film? Was there too much nostalgia? Do we like the new direction J.J. and company have taken, or were we expecting something else? May the force be with us as we discuss the film at length - including our thoughts on the new cast of characters Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn, and of course BB-8! It's all here in our special, dedicated episode to the most anticipated film of the year - Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens - A spoiler-heavy discussion of the new film, including all of the new and returning characters, plot lines, surprises, and even our thoughts on the crowds in attendance on opening night. A very fun and insightful episode for any Star Wars fan. 
  • Email us your thoughts on the episode or suggest a topic to or leave us a message at 818-814-6246.
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Category:general -- posted at: 10:55am PST

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