Tis the season...for the 2nd Annual Christmas Special! Last year we gave our best at a Christmas special, and the response from those of you listening was a resounding 'DO IT AGAIN', so here we are to do it again! Aaron, Justin, Brian and Scott sit down for a tasty helping of nog, stoke the fire, and discuss Christmas films, specials, and even talk a little about their own personal Christmas traditions. A fun, sweet, and oddly deep episode of The Hollywood Outsider.

Discussed on this special Christmas-themed, super-sized episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • What constitutes a Christmas film?
  • What film starts off your Christmas season?
  • Let's craft our own perfect Christmas movie
  • What are your favorite films or TV specials we have to watch each year?
  • What is missing from Christmas these days?
  • A special poem performed live
  • Our personal traditions and stories from Christmases past
  • Listener suggested topics
  • Much, much more!
  • *Email us your thoughts on the episode to feedback@thehollywoodoutsider.com and be sure to join our Facebook Group

Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every week of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:

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Direct download: The_2nd_Annual_Hollywood_Outsider_Christmas_Special.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm PST

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