We might have taken the week off here from our 2017 Podcast Awards winning show, The Hollywood Outsider, but that does not mean we do not have quality entertainment to offer!

As you traverse the country, hunt for something to deafen family members, or just to ease the chaos of shopping; we have selected three of our most popular topics from earlier this year and combined them into on mammoth episode.

We kick things off with a quick review of Wonder and Radius, followed by those moments when our favorite TV shows jumped the shark. Next up, we discuss what it takes to craft a great season finale. And finally we arrive at the most heroic female characters in film and television.

If you are new to the show, here is a highlight reel of what listeners enjoyed earlier in the year. And if you are a long-time listener, enjoy three of your favorite topics all in one episode!

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:


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Direct download: Best_of_The_Hollywood_Outsider_2017_Volume_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:39pm PST

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