This week we’re reviewing Hugo and The Muppets, we take a look at the upcoming December 9th releases (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; The Sitter; Young Adult; New Year’s Eve), as well as what’s catching our eye on television this week. We also look at the most recent film & TV news (Is Christian Bale done with Batman; casting news for Tom Hanks, Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Liev Schreiber and others; more film reboots coming for Scarface, Grudge, Poltergeist; respond to a listener email; and more). Brian does his best to ‘Stump the HO’.After the break, we discuss this week’s DVD / Blu Ray Releases and guest host Scott gives us his Flashback DVD of the Week. The ‘From The Outside In’ topic for this week is ‘Our Favorite Film Surprise Moment’. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Subscribe via itunes, Google Reader or standard RSS feed; give us a Thumbs UP! on your Stitcher Radio 

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:09pm PST