Discussing upcoming releases Identity Thief, Side Effects and Top Gun 3D IMAX; review of Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters; trailers for Olympus Has Fallen and 21 and Over; and Our From the Outside In topic this week: Why can’t critics appreciate popcorn flicks? As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news (Bryan Singer unites just about every X-Men known; Eva Green and Paul Giamatti land huge roles; are we seeing the next wave of Television; oh, and some news that you might not have heard of on a little film called Star Wars; and much more!); Aaron tries to Stump us HO’s, Brian offers up this week’s ‘What’s This Movie’ clip; and it’s Justin’s turn to recast the classic Rocky Horror Picture Show. Please share us on Facebook and Twitter with your friends who love movies! Subscribe at TheHollywoodOutsider.com, on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!), Google Reader, Zune, or anywhere [...]
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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 9:50pm PST