Ep 106 - Kick Ass HOs

Reviews of Kick Ass 2 and The Butler;discussing upcoming releases Getaway, Closed Circuit and The Grandmaster; new trailers for How I Live Now and Parkland; latest in movie and TV news; and our topic this week: Best Villain Deaths...and what movies have you walked out on?

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Segment Times

0 Opening / Movie News
18:38 Brian's Trailer Park / The Big Screen
39:55 Justin's Upcoming Attractions
52:33 What's This Movie? / The Couch / Recast
1:09:28 From the Outside In
1:31:55 Emails / Wrapup / Outtakes

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_106_Kick_Ass_HOs.mp3
Category:Movie -- posted at: 5:58pm PST