As we take the week off, here are three of our most popular topics from earlier this year: Television's most unappreciated supporting characters, our Stephen King Movie Battle Royale, and TV crossovers we need. 

First up, from Episode 351: We discuss the most unappreciated supporting characters on television, as well as what unappreciated even means to us. From shows like Fringe, Sons of Anarchy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and many others, we debate why we love these respective characters and the actors who portray them, as well as why we think audiences never quite appreciated them.

Next, we head to Episode 347: We take a look at the movie adaptations of arguably the greatest horror author in history, Stephen King. For several decades now, both readers and audiences have been terrified by the works of Stephen King, in all forms of entertainment. As with anything, not all of his adaptations click, and occasionally the results are scarier than the source material. But those that do, have become classic films that have horrified generations. Because we love King, we left it to our listeners to decide the final eight films with which we’d handle our latest Movie Battle Royale, and the nominees are all great in their own way: Pet Sematary, The Mist, Misery, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Stand By Me, IT (2017), The Shining. But which of them is the greatest Stephen King adaptation of them all? Find out on our Movie Battle Royale!

Finally, we head to Episode 346: We take a look at that weirdly connective phenomena which is known as the “TV crossover”. Networks have utilized these for years as examples as to how to sell their television shows to people who might not be watching them: Mulder and Scully went to COPS, Angela Lansbury headed to Magnum P.I., and the CW combines an entire DC universe once a year. These events can often be nothing more than publicity stunts, but often times they create something beautiful. And we’re going to throw our two cents in the mix, crossing over TV shows to create several brand new properties! Oh, we have some ideas.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am PST