On this episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, with Tom Cruise jetting the skies again in Top Gun: Maverick, we decided it was a grand time to revisit the concept of the movie star: what defines the term, and if the movie star era effectually coming to an end. Stars like Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Tom Hanks, The Rock, Denzel Washington, etc. have reigned for decades, but times have changed. In a mass content world, can they still exist? 

Also on this episode, Movie Innuendo returns, our film and TV discussion revolves around Daredevil's return, Stan Lee's likeness being used for decades to come, and TikTok rivaling Netflix for content. Also, reviews of The Watcher and Men, plus much more!

Discussed on this episode

    • (0:00 – 32:45) Opening | Movie and TV News Discussion - Daredevil Returns, Stan Lee's Likeness Purchased by Disney, TikTok is Coming for Disney
    • (32:46 – 52:37) Spoiler-Free Reviews: The Watcher, Men | Recommendations
    • (52:38 – 1:19:05) From the Outside In: Is the Movie Star Era Coming to an End
    • (1:19:06 - 1:24:25) Movie Innuendo | Closing
    • Please support The Hollywood Outsider and gain immediate access to bonus content, including Patreon exclusive podcast content like our Bad Movie Night by visiting Patreon.com/ TheHollywoodOutsider
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Direct download: HO490_Movie_Stars.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:18am PST

On this episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, we decided to dive a little deeper into the history of movie and TV ratings. Where did they come from, who uses them in modern times, why do they use them? We especially take a look at if we should possibly reevaluate how reliable and seemingly flexibly inconsistent ratings tend to be. It's an in-depth and enlightening discussion on how society looks at movie and TV ratings. 

Also on this episode, our Movie Manners topic returns to look at theater distractions, viewers watched over 4 trillion minutes of TV during the 21-22 season, TV's Bloody Friday strikes again, Star Wars gains another series, and much more!

Discussed on this episode

    • (0:00 – 34:34) Opening | Movie and TV News Discussion - The Dark Universe Anniversary, Star Wars, 4 Trillion Minutes of TV Watched, TV's Bloody Friday
    • (34:35 – 43:37) Recommendations
    • (43:38 – 1:40:51) From the Outside In: Movie and TV Ratings
    • (1:40:52 - 1:47:12) Movie Manners | Closing
    • Please support The Hollywood Outsider and gain immediate access to bonus content, including Patreon exclusive podcast content like our Bad Movie Night by visiting Patreon.com/ TheHollywoodOutsider
    • Be sure to join our Facebook Group
Direct download: HO489_Movie_and_TV_Ratings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PST

On this episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, we discuss every single aspect - spoilers and all - of the biggest movie of the year thus far, Marvel's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Following the events of the Disney+ series WandaVision and Spider-Man: No Way Home where Dr. Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) cast a forbidden spell that opened the doorway to the multiverse, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness finds Strange protecting a young girl from unseen forces, including alternate versions of himself, whose threat to humanity is too great for the combined forces of Strange, Wong (Benedict Wong), and Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen). WARNING: This is wholly a horror film, especially for the MCU. 

Marvel’s Multiverse opens up even further, and fan service takes a collect call direct from Kevin Feige’s and Marvel's seemingly infinite options of potential cameos. 

  • Please support The Hollywood Outsider and gain immediate access to bonus content, including Patreon exclusive podcast content like our Bad Movie Night by visiting Patreon.com/ TheHollywoodOutsider
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Direct download: Doctor_Strange_2_Spoiler_Special.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:44am PST

On this episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, we discuss annoying TV Tropes. Those little things in modern TV shows that just get under your skin. Maybe it's people never saying goodbye as they hang up, maybe it's something else. Maybe it’s production related, maybe it’s story related. What are your most annoying TV tropes?

Also on this episode, Fast X deals with a little Vin Diva drama as they replace Justin Lin, TNT and TBS cease scripted television, our spoiler-free review of Bosch Legacy and much more.

Then, after our normal show, Scott Clark from The Gaming Outsider drops by to discuss Netflix's Ozark series finale. The Byrdes and Langmores have clashed with the FBI and the cartel, but how does it feel now that all of the dust has settled and the series has reached its conclusion? Strap in, as we're about to break down the hellaciousness of it all in this spoiler filled discussion on all things Ozark. 

Discussed on this episode

    • (0:00 – 18:42) Opening | Fast X Director Replaced, TNT and TBS Eliminates Scripted Television, FOX Cancels Fall Upfronts
    • (18:43 – 1:05:06) From the Outside In: Annoying TV Tropes
    • (1:05:07 – 1:14:09) Reviews: Bosch: Legacy | Recommendations
    • (1:14:10 - 2:08:58) Ozark: Series Finale Spoiler Discussion
    • Please support The Hollywood Outsider and gain immediate access to bonus content, including Patreon exclusive podcast content like our Bad Movie Night by visiting Patreon.com/ TheHollywoodOutsider
    • Be sure to join our Facebook Group
Direct download: HO487_Annoying_TV_Tropes_Ozark.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am PST