Ep 112 - Breaking HOs

Upcoming releases Machete Kills and Captain Phillips, our reviews of Zero Charisma, Rush, Don Jon and Man of Tai Chi, Movie and TV news, trailers, and our From the Outsider In Topic this week: What do you want from a Series Finale, and what are your Best / Worst ones?  Also, after our normal episode, we discuss the Breaking Bad series finale.  

Regular Episode: 0 - 1:46 / Breaking Bad: 1:46 - 2:10

Nominate us for Best Movies / Film at PodcastAwards.com. Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie & TV Podcast at: http://thehollywoodoutsider.libsyn.com/rss, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, www.TheHollywoodOutsider.com. Leave us a message or text to 818-81-IMAHO(46246) or email us at feedback@thehollywoodoutsider.com with thoughts, praise, topic ideas, trivia or Flashbacks of your own.

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_112_Breaking_HOs.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 10:50pm PST

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