We have all see those films where someone new moves in, or comes knocking at the door, or starts babysitting, or we have a torrid affair with…and they seem awfully normal. Then, as the movie unfolds, we realize they are as crazy as the day is long and need to be put down with a quickness. On this episode of The HO, we are discussing these seemingly normal psychos; what terrifies them about us and what would tip us off if we lived in the film. Also, who is our favorite movie psychopath?

Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

Time Segment
0 Opening | Movie and TV News
36:21 Brian's Trailer Park
41:42 Justin's Upcoming Attractions
58:02 What's This Movie | Reviews | Scott's DVDs
1:10:19 From The Outside In Topic
1:34:34 Emails | Outtakes

Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:


Other Great HO Episodes
Ep 173 | Film To TV And Back Again
Ep 172 | Everything Is Adaptable
Classic Sci-Fi TV
Ep 171 | 2015: A Glance Ahead, A Look Behind
The Best of HO | Volume 2
The Hobbit Trilogy
The Best of HO | Volume 1
Interview with The Babadook Director Jennifer Kent
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_174_The_Insanity_of_Movie_Psychos.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 4:22pm PST

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