Wed, 28 October 2015
We tackle our listener questions this week as we hit a trifecta of topics! First up - What books do we still wish would desperately be turned into films? Every book you can imagine has been adapted, yet there are always a few we're still waiting on. Next up - Comedy pairings. There are so many pairings in film and television, actors grouped together in order to make us laugh theory. So, who are the BEST comedy pairings? We tackle this enormous topic, and also offer our picks for the worst comedy teams. Lastly - Origin stories. They're everywhere. Not only are they everywhere, they're happening for characters whose origins we already know full and well. What is the obsession with origin stories in Hollywood? Does every character need his motivations explained? Of course we have news, reviews, and even more – So join in on our conversation and listen to the latest episode of The Hollywood Outsider! Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_208_Books_to_films_origin_stories_and_comedy_teams.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57pm PST