We’re talking about upcoming films Paranormal Activity 4 and Alex Cross; reviewing Liam Neeson’s Taken 2; new trailers for Hitchcock, A Good Day to Die Hard and Broken city; and our From the Outsider In topic this week: What Movies Would Make A Better TV Series?

As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news (Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway are moving on from Dark Knight Rises; RZA wants to make a movie about a peppy blue horse; Peanuts are coming to the big screen; Walking Dead returns!; and much more); Brian tries to Stump the HO’s; Scott takes ‘What’s This Movie’ clip, if you can guess it, you get a chance to win an IMAHO t-shirt; and Justin offers up this week’s Flashback DVD. Subscribe at TheHollywoodOutsider.com, on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!), Google Reader, Zune, or anywhere else with an RSS feed. Also, email us at feedback@thehollywoodoutsider.com

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 9:27pm PST

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