Wed, 2 January 2013
Spoiler-free reviews of Django Unchained, Les Miserables and Jack Reacher; discussing upcoming releases Texas Chainsaw 3D, A Haunted House and Gangster Squad; and most importantly - Our 2nd Annual HO Awards, where we give our picks on everything from Best Performances, to stunt work, CGI and of course - Our favorite films of the past year! A fun episode with some interesting choices, so there are sure to be a surprise or two in store for you this episode.
As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news; Aaron tries to catch you with his ‘What’s This Movie’ clip; and it’s Scott’s turn to Recast A Classic with Back To the Future.
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Direct download: TheHollywoodOutsiderEp74TheHOAwards.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:28pm PST
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