What movies or TV shows do you watch when you're feeling down?

On this episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, we are discussing movies and television that pick us up when things are dire. With everything currently affecting the world, and millions of people across the globe enduring isolation or quarantine, we decided what better time to talk about the films or TV we turn to in order to turn our frowns upside down. We discuss the current entertainment predicament - theater closures, production shutdowns, release delays - and how we're coping with it.

Also this week, we elected to kick corona to the curb and bring back a little South By Southwest festival action! Despite the SXSW 2020 Film Festival being canceled due to the coronavirus, we reached out to many filmmakers with films that had been officially selected for the festival and reviewed them on this very episode. We would have loved to have had more, but with times the way they are, we did what we could. If you want to learn more about all of the films from the festival, be sure to visit SXSW.com, and make a plan to attend next year's event!

Discussed on this episode

Direct download: HO389_Pick_Me_Up_SXSW_2020_Movies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13am PDT

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