Wed, 26 October 2011
It’s lucky Episode 13 of The Hollywood Outsider and this week we’re reviewing Paranormal Activity 3, taking a look at the upcoming Nov. 4th releases (A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas, Tower Heist, Killing Bono and The Son of No One) and what’s catching our eye on television this week. Before we get to those we take a look at the most recent film and TV news (are The Stand, Akira and Battlestar Galactica getting big screen treatments, what’s next for the Wachowski’s, is Milla Jovovich crazy, where is Captain America 2 going to be set, are the Punisher & Dark Tower heading to TV, the newest trailers…and more). Aaron does his best to ‘Stump the HO’ before we take a quick trailer break. After the break, Justin, Brian & Aaron discuss this week’s From the Outside In listener suggested topic: ‘Movies or Series That Deserve Another Film’.
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Episode_13.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:54pm PST
Wed, 19 October 2011
On Episode 12 of The Hollywood Outsider, we look at the most recent film & TV news; including Taken 2 gets its plot, what we thought of The Walking Dead premiere, what’s going on with the Twilight Zone, Lone Ranger and Transformer films, what Downey, Jr. had to say about Mel Gibson, as well as the most recent trailers (American Pie Reunion, This Means War and London Boulevard). Brian & Justin take another look at ‘Real Steel’ and Justin suffers alone through ‘Dream House’ before we take a quick look at the box office. Oct 28 New Releases Rum Diary, In Time, Puss in Boots and Anonymous are explored before ‘Stump the HO’ and a trailer break. After the break, Aaron, Scott, Brian & Justin get to ‘From the Outside In’, where this week we introduce our first listener suggested topic: ‘Scene’s / Cliché’s That pull us out of a movie’.
Wed, 12 October 2011
This week, on Episode 11 of The Hollywood Outsider, we look at the most recent film & TV news; including casting news as Robert Downey Jr eyes another franchise, ESPN saying goodbye to Hank Williams due to his offhanded comments, Netflix ditching Qwikster, A Zorro reboot, as well as the most recent trailers (The Raven, Young Adult and, of course, The Avengers). Aaron reviews ‘Real Steel’ before a quick Box Office recap. Aaron, Justin, Brian and Guest Host Amanda also take a look at next weeks releases – Paranormal Activity 3, The Three Musketeers, Johnny English Reborn & The Mighty Macs. After Brian attempts to ‘Stump the HO’ and a trailer break, we get to our ‘From the Outside In’ topic where this week we complete our Halloween Trilogy with ‘Slasher Flicks’ and why do people love to watch others get theirs.
Thu, 6 October 2011
Welcome to Episode 10 of The Hollywood Outsider. On this week’s show, we discuss some of the most recent film & TV news; including a fond farewell to an industry pioneer, a resurrection of Arrested Development and The Twilight Zone, DiCaprio’s inner Bourne, what show was the first cancelled from this fall season and finally look at the newest trailers to hit the web and if those films look worth your time (Man On A Ledge, War Horse, Contraband and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close). Brian & Aaron review ‘Drive’…with extreme opposite viewpoints, and guest host Dustin Baker joins us with his review of ‘Munger Road’. We gloss over a quick Box Office recap & update on current releases