Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, We Bought A Zoo and War Horse get reviewed on this week’s edition of the Hollywood Outsider. We also look at the most recent Film & TV news (is that REALLY what Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey are up to; what’s next for the Zombieland director; Will Ferrel and Zach Galifianakis together; what direction will American Horror Story take next season; and much more) and a few new trailers (Babymakers, Rock of Ages and the hotly anticipated Prometheus). Aaron takes his turn with a Spielberg-centric ‘Stump the HO’ before we talk about what’s catching our eye on TV this week, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and Justin handles this weeks ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with our’From the Outside In’ topic - ‘Our Favorite TV Shows of 2011′. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio 

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 8:55pm PST

Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows and Girl With the Dragon Tattoo get reviewed on this week’s edition of the Hollywood Outsider. We look at the most recent Film & TV news (Sequel news on the Bond films, Fast 6 and even Top Gun?; what happens if you pirate films nowadays; Golden Globes tidbits; what asinine show is making a return; and much more) and a few new trailers (Dark Knight Rises anyone? Orrrr maybe a little Hobbit flick?). Brian does his best to ‘Stump the HO’ before we talk about what’s catching our eye on TV this week, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and Scott offers up this weeks ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with this week’s ‘From the Outside In’ topic - Which Categories Should the Oscar’s Add’. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!) or anywhere else with an RSS feed

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 9:37pm PST

This week we look at upcoming releases: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol; The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo; War Horse; The Darkest Hour and The Adventures of TinTin. We also discuss the most recent Film & TV news (Dark Knight Rises plot details; sequel news; what’s next forHarrison Ford and Angelina Jolie; Netflix expanding again; the new GI Joe Retaliation and Men In Black 3 trailers;and more). Scott does his best to ‘Stump the HO’; we also talk about what’s catching our eye on TV this week, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and guest host Brad offers up this weeks ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show withthis week’s ‘From the Outside In’ topic - Lord of the Rings just celebrated it’s 10 year anniversary since release - How have films changed because of this? As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!)

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:00pm PST

This week we’re looking ahead to releases Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows & Chipmunks 3. We also look at the most recent Film and TV news (a 24 movie on the way; Sequel news on Hangover, Transformers, Grown Ups, Star Trek and others; a new role for Will Smith; why are Alec Baldwin & David Fincher so mad?; and much more). Justin does his best to ‘Stump the HO’ before we talk about what’s catching our eye on TV this week, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and Brian offers up this weeks ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with this week’s ‘From the Outside In’ topic - Our Favorite Christmas Movies. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!) or anywhere else with an RSS feed, and email us with suggestions, thoughts or film flashbacks of your own. 

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_19.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 9:29pm PST

This week we’re reviewing Hugo and The Muppets, we take a look at the upcoming December 9th releases (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy; The Sitter; Young Adult; New Year’s Eve), as well as what’s catching our eye on television this week. We also look at the most recent film & TV news (Is Christian Bale done with Batman; casting news for Tom Hanks, Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Liev Schreiber and others; more film reboots coming for Scarface, Grudge, Poltergeist; respond to a listener email; and more). Brian does his best to ‘Stump the HO’.After the break, we discuss this week’s DVD / Blu Ray Releases and guest host Scott gives us his Flashback DVD of the Week. The ‘From The Outside In’ topic for this week is ‘Our Favorite Film Surprise Moment’. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Subscribe via itunes, Google Reader or standard RSS feed; give us a Thumbs UP! on your Stitcher Radio 

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_18.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:09pm PST