The 2017 San Diego Comic-Con has come to a close, and that means it is time to dive into the biggest news and trailers released at this year’s convention. From DC’s Justice League and Aquaman, to Stranger Things and Bright, to Ready Player One and The Blade Runner Experience, and finally to Marvel’s The Defenders and Avengers: Infinity War – THIS is the podcast for you!

That’s not all, though. We also have reviews of Atomic Blonde, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Girls Trip, and Sukiyaki Western Django. As well as discussing upcoming theater and VOD releases, before finally reflecting on our 6th anniversary as a podcast. 

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • (0:00 – 7:02) Opening |
  • (07:03 – 25:47) Scott’s Panel – Ready Player One, Westworld Season 2, The Blade Runner Experience
  • (25:48 – 1:02:14) John’s Panel – DC Movies (Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman 2), DC TV (Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Flash), Stranger Things Season 2
  • (1:02:15 – 1:22:22) Aaron’s Panel – Psych, Marvel Movies (Avengers: Infinity War, Thor: Ragnorok, Black Panther, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Captain Marvel), Spawn, Jigsaw
  • (1:22:23 – 1:44:09) Brian’s Panel – Marvel TV (Inhumans, Defenders, Punisher), Bright, Orville, Star Trek: Discovery
  •  (1:44:10 – 2:05:30) What’s This Movie? | Spoiler-Free Reviews of Atomic Blonde, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Sukiyaki Western Django, and Girls Trip  | New Releases and VOD
  • (2:05:31 – 2:39:43) Recommendations | Closing | Thoughts on our 6th Anniversary
  • Don’t miss our Dunkirk and War for the Planet of the Apes spoilercasts!
  • Email us your thoughts on the episode, answer our ‘What’s This Movie?’, or suggest a topic to or leave us a message at 818-814-6246
  • Please support The Hollywood Outsider by visiting
  • Be sure to join our Facebook Group
  • Join our Fantasy Movie League! Find our league, then use the password ‘buypopcorn’

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For this special episode, Aaron and Scott sat down with community members Scott and Emily Calgaro to discuss Christopher Nolan's latest film, Dunkirk. A noted history buff, Scott Calgaro elaborates on many of the events in the film as we each discuss our likes and dislikes of the choices Nolan made to bring his vision to the screen. From dog-fighting to capsizing, everything is on deck as dive deep into Dunkirk. 

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To pay respects to Mr. Romero, we will pay homage to the genre he created, the zombie film. Romero wasn’t the first director to take on the undead in this form, but he was the one who popularized it by setting his horde against the backdrop of societal and systemic issues plaguing us at that time. We discuss the evolution of the zombie craze, its oversaturation, and why it seems to have stuck along far longer than anyone expected.

Also on this week’s podcast: Doctor Who gets a gender swap, Aaron reviews The Big Sick, John takes a look at new releases Dunkirk, Valerian, and Girls Trip, Scott offers a new What’s This Movie and VOD release dates, and Stump the HO makes a triumphant return!

After our normal episode, stick around as we discuss our thoughts on the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere!

And be sure to vote for us at the Podcast Awards!

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Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

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War for the Planet of the Apes has arrived! Caesar, relegated to hiding from humans, takes the war to the man responsible for his personal tragedy, The Colonel. As Caesar begins to understand the weight of this war, he also begins to see a path to salvation for them all. 

For this special episode, we dive into the final film in the Caesar trilogy of the Apes saga. We discuss the themes and plot devices in the film, where the trilogy ends up, and the once again stellar performance of Andy Serkis. 

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We are deep into the heart of the Summer movie season, and there is no better time than now to dive into those clichés that drive us all nuts.

When we discuss clichés on this episode, that’s both good and bad. Sometimes a cliché can be a positive – things we love and cause a visceral reaction of joy. Other times, well, they’re Batman and Robin. Take a listen to our favorites on both side of that fence, and let us know any we missed in the comments.

Also this week, we debate if R-rated comedies are dying, discuss some significant anniversaries, offer our takes on better endings for favorite television shows, and much more.

After our normal episode, enjoy our Spider-Man: Homecoming reactions and spoilercast, as we try to spin our web-heads around Marvel and Sony’s team-up on everyone’s favorite wall-crawler.

And be sure to vote for us at the Podcast Awards!

Join in on our conversation and listen to the latest episode of The Hollywood Outsider.

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

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The Sabbatical follows James Pittman (James Whittingham), a professor who is forced to produce a photography book on his year off - publish or perish, as they say. With his wife (a charming Bernadette Mullen) busy working on a project of her own and his best friend submerged in family life, he makes fast friends with a carefree artist named Lucy (Laura Abramson). We follow James as he struggles to keep up with a much younger friend, and a mid-life crisis of sorts sets in.

The Sabbatical is a quirky character comedy that has a snarky, curmudgeon leading us through his crisis as he glides along with Lucy's free-spirit lifestyle. It’s a witty and charming ride as you grow to appreciate both characters as they learn a bit more about each other, and James about his own place in the world. 

Director Brian Stockton sat down with us to discuss his latest work, and and the unique take he and his fellow filmmakers took to bring The Sabbatical to life. We also discuss his journey in Hollywood, why a mid life crisis is the story he wanted to tell, touring his film in festivals, and much more. You can find more information at

The Sabbatical is an engaging coming-of-age tale of a man well past his prime. Don't miss our exclusive interview with director, Brian Stockton.

The Sabbatical releases on VOD July 13, 2017. Find more info on the film at 

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Game of Thrones has concluded Season 6 on HBO, and we are here yet again to break down this season in all of its glory. The story is hurtling towards an end game as numerous pieces are all now in play, so what did we ultimately think of how the board was set this past season?

The night is dark and full of spoilers on this special bonus episode of The Hollywood Outsider, as our 4 hosts discuss Season 6 of George R. R. Martin’s adaptation as a whole. What worked brilliantly, what didn’t, as well as predictions on who we believe will ultimately win this game. From a Three-Eyed Raven to Westeros to Meereen to Winterfell and The Battle of the Bastards, these are the many faced gods of podcast recaps you’re looking for.

Drink and know things while you listen to the latest episode of The Hollywood Outsider and subscribe below.

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12 Feet Deep follows Bree and Jonna – sisters with a complicated past – as they meet up at a local indoor pool. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the cover is closed with the sisters inside, trapped until the pool opens again the following morning. Forced to contend with the elements, as well as a custodian with a grudge, the sisters fight together in order to survive a brutal night of possible tragedy.

As Bree and Jonna, Nora-Jane Noone and Alexandra Park carry the weight of this story while navigating a limited opportunity for any physicality in their performances. As the night grows seemingly exponentially longer for the pair, they each elaborate on their respective characterizations in subtly astute ways. A tiny inflection here, a nod to past indiscretions there, each of these descriptive choices combine to form a relationship the audience comes to believe in. After Clara (Diane Farr) enters the picture as a potential linchpin to the duo’s escape, Bree and Jonna finally begin to understand the fundamental strength lying within their relationship.

With 12 Feet Deep, co-writer and director, Matt Eskandari, sought to craft a film that takes a simplistic premise and explores the nuances of the human psyche as it faces certain death. The film is a taut thriller that benefits from both its skilled leads, as well as Matt’s rigid direction. For our interview, Matt discusses where the idea for the film emerged, casting the leads and Tobin Bell, as well as how he managed to create such an entertaining movie despite the obvious challenges of filming primarily in a covered pool.

12 Feet Deep is a harrowing tale from a director with a sharp eye for tension. Take a listen to our exclusive interview with director, Matt Eskandari.

12 Feet Deep is now available on VOD. Find out more at Facebook 

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