Our spoiler-free review of The Dark Knight Rises; discussing upcoming releases Total Recall and Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days; a new trailer for Man of Steel; our From the Outsider In topic this week: Our Top Films We Wish We Could Watch New Again. As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news (The Equalizer makes the transition to the big screen; The Hobbit 3?; Jack Ryan has his villain; more Dracula?; and much more); Brian offers up his Stump the HO question, a listener wants you to guess their movie clip and we even have listener Flashback’s this week! It’s also Episode 52 and we are celebrating our 1 year HOversary! That means several emails from listeners, winners of our HO t-shirt contests, some of our own personal thoughts and recollections on what the year has meant to us…and, of course, a nice collection of some of our favorite outtakes from the past year. Just a very fun episode. HO Podcast - 0:00 - 1:40:03 Anniversary Outtakes - 1:40 [...]

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:13pm PST

On this special episode of The HO Podcast, we are solely discussing The Dark Knight Trilogy. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises all come into play for this episode. The Trilogy’s ending, which films were our favorite, Ledger’s Joker, the two Rachels, Bale vs. Keaton vs. Clooney, Nolan vs. Burton, our favorite moments from the series, what was up with Bane’s voice and more…it’s all Batman and it’s all on the table for this special edition of The Hollywood Outsider. There will be spoilers aplenty, so if you have not seen the conclusion to the trilogy, we would encourage you to wait until you have. We will be back later this week with our regular episode of The HOllywood Outsider. Web: http://thehollywoodoutsider.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theHollywoodOutsider Twitter: H_Outsider 

Direct download: The_Dark_Knight_Trilogy.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 4:49pm PST

We’re looking at upcoming releases The Watch and Step Up: Revolution; a new fan film from Punisher’s Thomas Jane, new trailers for Oz and The Day; and Our From the Outside In topic this week: with Dark Knight Rises taking the country by storm, we discuss our favorite superheroes brought to life on screen (big and small) and why we love them. As always, we review the latest movie and TV news (Daniel Radcliffe is taking a darker role; several Comic-Con tidbits; Will Smith, Director?; Dr. Who and Sons of Anarchy news; and much more). We unveil our ‘Stump the HO’ winner, Brian wants you to guess his ‘What’s THIS Movie?’ clip, and Aaron tackles this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. LISTEN to this week’s episode and learn how you can win a Hollywood Outsider IMAHO t-shirt. Our 1st year anniversary is next week and we will be giving away 3 IMAHO t-shirts!

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_51.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:26pm PST

We’re reviewing Savages and Ted this week; Dark Knight Rises is coming up so we discuss the impending juggernaut release; new trailers for Silver Linings Playbook and Compliance; and Our From the Outside In topic this week: Film Ratings - How The HO’s WOuld Fix It We also discuss the latest movie and TV news (50 Shades of Grey on the way; What is Michael Fassbender doing next; more Eli Roth and Russell Crowe?; and much more). Justin does his best to ‘Stump the HO’, another listener wants you to see if you can guess their ‘What’s THIS Movie?’ clip, and Brian tackles this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. LISTEN to this week’s episode and learn of a chance to win a Hollywood Outsider IMAHO t-shirt. Listen every week for a new chance to win! If you would like to skip the once a week option and get a HO shirt of your own, go to thehollywoodoutsider.com and donate $20 or more and we will send you one of your own! 

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 9:54pm PST

We have spoiler-free reviews of The Amazing Spider-Man and Magic Mike this week; We discuss upcoming releases Ice Age: Continental Drift, Red Lights and The Imposter; taking a look at the new Jack Reacher and Man With The Iron Fists trailers; and our From the Outside In topic this week is ‘Our Most Annoying Film Cliches’. We also discuss the latest movie and TV news (there’s a Raging Bull 2?; what is Marvel’s next move; What’s going on with Glee; some Hunger Games casting; and much more). One of our listeners tries to ‘Stump the HO’, another listener wants you to see if you can guess their ‘What’s THIS Movie?’ clip, and Scott handles this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. Please share us on Facebook and Twitter with your friends who LOVE movies and TV! Subscribe on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!)

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_49.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 11:10pm PST