Fri, 27 January 2012
This week on The Hollywood Outsider we discuss some interesting updates on the newest Film and TV news (Expendables 2 getting a PG-13 treatment, an upcoming ‘Back to the Future’ spinoff, George Lucas’ retirement, Oscar’s Best Pic noms, and much more) and a few new trailers (Detachment, Resident Evil: Retribution, and Jeff Who Lives At Home). Justin tries to ‘Stump the HO’ before we talk about what’s catching our eye on TV, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and special guest, Shawn McGuire, throws out this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with our’From the Outside In’ topic, where this week we discuss our favorite ‘guilty pleasure’ movie types. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!)
Tue, 17 January 2012
This week on The Hollywood Outsider we discuss the recent Golden Globe winners, some interesting updates on the newest Film and TV news (why are theater owners pissed at Disney; the Hunger Games sequel already has a release date; what’s next for Joss Whedon after The Avengers; a Fantastic Four reboot in the works; which classic film is getting the Prequel TV treatmen; and much more) and a few new trailers (Exit Strategy, Friends With Kids and Casa de Mi Padre). Scott tries to ‘Stump the HO’ before we talk about what’s catching our eye on TV, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and Justin throws out this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with our’From the Outside In’ topic, where this week we discuss if micro-budgeted, but financially successful flicks like ‘The Devil Inside’ are going to change how Hollywood makes movies. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes.
Wed, 11 January 2012
‘The Devil Inside’ gets reviewed on this week’s Hollywood Outsider. We also look at the most recent Film and TV news (what’s George Clooney stealing now; Tim Burton and Robert Downey Jr. together?; what’s up with a Bridesmaids sequel; what’s going on with the Star Wars live-action series; Frank Darabont, where have you gone; and much more) and a few new trailers (ATM, The Five Year Engagement and Silent House). Brian tries to ‘Stump the HO’ before we talk about what’s catching our eye on TV, upcoming Blu Ray / DVD releases and Aaron throws out this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. We wrap up the show with our ‘From the Outside In’ topic, where this week we look at the first quarters most anticipated films of 2012. As always, be sure to stick through the closing song for our own version of outtakes. Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio
Fri, 6 January 2012
We’re closing the book on 2011 with our picks for the best films of the year, as well as the 1st Annual Hollywood Outsider (HO) awards for our own carefully selected categories. We also have more than a few surprise returning guests dropping by to give their thoughts on what the past year had to offer and, as always, we close out with our own version of outtakes. A very special, and FUN, episode of The Hollywood Outsider Please subscribe on itunes, Google Reader, Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!) or anywhere else with an RSS feed, and email us with suggestions, thoughts or film flashbacks of your own. Be sure to come back next week when we discuss the newest in Movie and TV news as well as take a look at the most anticipated films of 2012! Web: Email: Facebook: Twitter: H_Outsider
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_23_2011_wrap_up.mp3
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