Man vs. technology has been the subject of numerous classic films and for this episode we make it our. We discuss why people continue to build these obvious disasters in waiting and much more. Also, at the end of our show, we discuss this year's Oscars. What bothered us, what moved us, and what especially we thought of the entire event. It's an overlong, but extremely entertaining episode of The Hollywood Outsider. 

Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • Our topic this week: Man vs. Technology - Why do we keep building things bent on destroying us?
  • Upcoming releases: Chappie and Unfinished Business
  • Spoiler-free review of Faults
  • The latest in Movie and TV News including: Wesley Snipes heads back to TV, Pee-Wee is back and on Netflix, Ducktales makes a comeback, Arnie won't stop making a comeback, and much more
  • The 2015 Oscar recap as well as our contest winners
  • Watch the Power Ranger Fan Video here:
  • *Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group
Time Segment
0 Opening | Movie and TV News
42:04 Upcoming Attractions
59:45 What's This Movie | Reviews | Scott's DVDs
1:12:29 From The Outside In Topic
1:47:27 Oscar Recap | Contest Winners

Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:


Other Great HO Episodes
Ep 177 | 50 Shades of Hos
Ep 176 | The Oscar Bait and Switch
Ep 175 | Romance Gone Wrong
Ep 174 | The Insanity Of Movie Psychos
Ep 173 | Film To TV And Back Again
Ep 172 | Everything Is Adaptable
Classic Sci-Fi TV
Ep 171 | 2015: A Glance Ahead, A Look Behind
The Best of HO | Volume 2
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_178_Technology_vs_The_Man.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 8:53pm PST

Reviews are our topic this week. When you debate on catching that new movie in your local theater, how much stock do you put in critical reviews? Is it a matter of who is reviewing it, or perhaps what kind of movie it is? This is our From The Outside In topic for the week, and it is one our listeners were just as excited to talk about as we are.

But that's not all! Oh no, there is a plethora of show for you to enjoy this week. 

Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_177_Fifty_Shades_of_HOs.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 10:30pm PST

'Oscar Bait' is a term that has come up on the show numerous times, but what does that REALLY mean? On this episode of The HO, we discuss this term, what it means to us. and does it even exist? We also look at the ceremony itself and what could help bring the show into the present for younger viewers, as well as some notable failed Oscar Bait.

Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

Time Segment
0 Opening | Movie and TV News
35:12 Brian's Trailer Park
45:15 Justin's Upcoming Attractions
57:12 What's This Movie | Reviews | Scott's DVDs
1:14:46 From The Outside In Topic
1:48:40 Emails | Outtakes

Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:


Other Great HO Episodes
Ep 175 | Romance Gone Wrong
Ep 174 | The Insanity Of Movie Psychos
Ep 173 | Film To TV And Back Again
Ep 172 | Everything Is Adaptable
Classic Sci-Fi TV
Ep 171 | 2015: A Glance Ahead, A Look Behind
The Best of HO | Volume 2
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_176_The_Oscar_Bait_and_Switch.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 4:28am PST

Last year around Valentine’s Day, we talked a bit about love and what warms the cockles of our hearts. We are doing that again this year, but a little different.

So, you’re watching a movie about a relationship. A comedy, drama, action spectacle, whatever it is. And then something happens that takes you aback, or maybe makes you realize these two should be with anyone else on the planet other than each other. This week, we’re talking about movies where the couples just don’t work. Sometimes the stars have no chemistry, and other times the writing is just awful. This is when romance goes wrong.

Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

Time Segment
0 Opening | Movie and TV News
24:24 Brian's Trailer Park
32:10 Justin's Upcoming Attractions
47:43 What's This Movie | Reviews | Scott's DVDs
1:06:36 From The Outside In Topic
1:44:02 Emails | Outtakes

Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:


Other Great HO Episodes
Ep 174 | The Insanity Of Movie Psychos
Ep 173 | Film To TV And Back Again
Ep 172 | Everything Is Adaptable
Classic Sci-Fi TV
Ep 171 | 2015: A Glance Ahead, A Look Behind
The Best of HO | Volume 2
The Hobbit Trilogy
The Best of HO | Volume 1
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_175.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 8:38pm PST