Characters on television often fit squarely into the box of hero or villain. Over the past decade, numerous former villains have evolved and even redeemed the past deeds, redeeming themselves to many viewers. But are they truly redeemable? Or are we just blinded by our fandom? As we wrap up The HO for 2017, this is our closing discussion.

Also on this week’s podcast: The Fox and Disney merger is a go, so what does that all mean, everyone is screaming about spoiler, so we settle what a spoiler actually is, reviews of The Greatest Showman and Film Stars Don’t Die In Liverpool, new releases, and our hearts do go on as we discuss a very special significant anniversary!

Join in on our conversation and listen to the latest episode of The Hollywood Outsider.

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:


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As the iconic title crawl tells us, The First Order is back on top despite the destruction of Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens. They’re now attempting to eradicate any remnant of The Resistance to gain full control of the galaxy. Rey attempts to convince a calloused, crotchety Luke Skywalker to help aid in the fight, and Poe fights under the command of Leia. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren suffers from his injuries sustained the last time he squared off against Rey. He’s also under the thumb of the mysterious Snoke, who treats him more like a whipped dog than an apprentice. With this setup, Episode VII: The Last Jedi begins!

On this episode, we dive into the biggest film of the year, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. There have been many ravings and frustrations over the latest saga in the Star Wars universe, and we are not shying away from any of them. Rey’s journey, Kylo’s plan, Luke’s arc, and what it all means for returning favorites like Poe and Finn.

Nothing is off limits as we discuss what we loved AND loathed about this latest adventure in a galaxy far, far away. Also joining us, are a few fans with their mini-reviews to showcase a wide range of disruptions in the force.

This is one podcast no Star Wars fan should miss!

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • Rian Johnson’s take on the middle entry in the latest Star Wars saga
  • Each major character and their arc: Rey, Kylo, Finn, Leia, Luke, and more
  • Fan reactions and if they are justified
  • Best and least favorite moments
  • Where should the franchise go from here?
  • Read Scott’s review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi HERE
  • Listen to our Star Wars: The Force Awakens or Rogue One podcasts
  • Email us your thoughts on the episode or suggest a topic to
  • Please support The Hollywood Outsider by visiting com/TheHollywoodOutsider
  • Be sure to join our Facebook Group
  • Join our Fantasy Movie League! Find our league, then use the password ‘buypopcorn’

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:35pm PST

As DC has struggled on the big screen, they have exceled on television. What you might not know, is that there were numerous attempts at a DC TV universe before Arrow and The Flash. So why didn’t those work? On this week’s podcast, we’re going to dive into this conundrum.

Later, Attorney Gordon Firemark of Entertainment Law Update stops by to discuss the rash of harassment claims upending Hollywood as of late. He takes us through the moral clauses of studio contracts, repercussions for accusers, and what should happen if an entertainer was falsely accused on an indiscretion. You will not want to miss this.

Also on this week’s podcast: Quentin Tarantino wants an R-rated Star Trek, DC Films shakes things up again, spoiler-free reviews of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and The Disaster Artist, and this episode would not be complete without our Psych the Movie Reactions and Review!

Join in on our conversation and listen to the latest episode of The Hollywood Outsider.

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:


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Over 30 years ago, Peter Turner published a memoir on his relationship with screen icon, Gloria Grahame, titled "Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool". Unlike most celebrity tales, this was not one rife with scandal or despair. This was a story about love, regret, and kinship. Over 30 years later, Peter's story has finally arrived on the silver screen. 

Annette Bening stars as Gloria Grahame, an aging acting icon who learns she is ailing. Rather than suffering alone, she calls on her former love, Peter (Jamie Bell), and requests to stay with him and his family. After taking her in, Peter begins to reflect upon the love they had before, pondering where it all went wrong. And more importantly, where do Gloria and Peter go from here?

For this exclusive interview, Aaron sits down with the director of "Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool", Paul McGuigan. He discusses a myriad of topics including why this story felt like one he needed to tell, working with Annette Bening and Jamie Bell, and what it was like having the inspiration for the story readily available. Also, Aaron talks with Peter Turner himself, to get behind the movie magic and discover the love behind the story, and what it is like seeing your own life on the screen. 

Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool releases on 12/29 in LA and NY, and the film itself is a beautiful celebration of life and love. And to compliment this tale, enjoy these two interviews with the wonderfully engaging talents of Paul McGuigan and Peter Turner. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

Every year, we love to celebrate the holiday season with our listeners, and there is no better way to do that then with our 4th Annual Holiday Special!

It all started with a random idea, as Aaron and Scott were big fans of holiday specials, yet podcasts seemed to skip over the idea completely. Therefore, we decided we can do whatever we want here at The Hollywood Outsider, so let’s create our own tradition and the Annual Holiday Special was born!

Every year we do a little something different, so this year, we are Building A Perfect Christmas Movie! We all know what we love or loathe in Christmas flicks, so what would make our nice list for perfection? You’re about to find out.

That’s not all, oh no. The Christmas spirit kicks into overdrive as we open up and share our personal memories of the holiday season, as well as stories that remind us of Christmas. And no Holiday Special would be complete without a visit from the big man himself, so get ready as Santa Claus drops by the studio to read a few HO listener letters and reply directly.

With a special game from John, a little whimsy from Aaron, Scott’s annual Christmas Poem, and a lot of fun from everyone – This is the one podcast you don’t want to miss this holiday season!

Join in on our conversation and listen to the latest episode of The Hollywood Outsider.

Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:

  • Building a perfect Christmas movie
  • Letters For Santa
  • Christmas movie memories
  • What do we want for Christmas, both selfishly and selflessly
  • Thoughts on Christmas decorations, traditions, and even cookies
  • Scott’s Christmas Poem
  • Our Annual Christmas Carol
  • (0:00 – 17:05)Opening | Introductions | Letters For Santa
  • (17:06 – 43:18)Building A Perfect Christmas Movie
  • (43:19 – 1:23:44)Christmas Memories and Ideas | Scott’s Annual Christmas Poem
  • (1:23:45 – 1:56:03)Christmas Cheer | Annual Christmas Carol | Closing
  • Email us your thoughts on the episode, answer our ‘What’s This Movie?’, or suggest a topic to or leave us a message at 818-814-6246.
  • Be sure to join our Facebook Group
  • Join our Fantasy Movie League! Find our league, then use the password ‘buypopcorn’
  • Do your shopping via our Amazon Link!

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A young woman, who never knew her parents, discovers that she resembles an age-progressed photo in a "Missing Child" listing. After she meets the man who could be her father, her journey takes an unexpected turn. She uncovers secrets and lies in an attempt to find closure to her own disturbing past. 

For our exclusive interview, writer, director and one of the stars, Luke Sabis, joins us to discuss his new film, Missing Child, which is now available on Amazon, DVD, or Blu-Ray. Find more info at

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