Mon, 30 March 2015
What makes a television show important? A lot of TV is interesting, revolutionary, exciting - but how much of it is truly important? Is it just something that sparks a conversation? Or does it need to change the very foundation of belief? We discuss this very topic on this episode of The HO. Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
*Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_183_The_Most_Important_TV_Show_Ever.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 9:11pm PST
Mon, 30 March 2015
HBO's Game of Thrones Season 5 premieres on April 10th. As tradition on The Hollywood Outsider, we love the show enough to release an entire season recap to help catch each of you back up with all of the events in Westeros. Venturing from The Wall, to Across the Narrow Seas and even spending much time in King's Landing: we discuss all of the major storylines in this in-depth recap episode that should inform and please any and all Game of Thrones fans! *Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Game_of_Thrones_Season_4_Recap.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 4:49am PST
Wed, 25 March 2015
Why do we love car chases? With Furious 7 about to blow into theaters, The HO pit crew take a look at some of the more infamous car chases and discuss why we love them so much. Are we just little kids dreaming big? Do we all want to be rebels? Take a listen and decide for yourself. Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
*Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group
Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_182_We_All_Love_A_Car_Chase.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 4:31am PST
Sun, 22 March 2015
This special episode of The Hollywood Outsider is about one thing: The South By Southwest Festival (SXSW)! One of the largest festivals in the country recently occurred in Austin, TX, which covers a wide variety of film, music and interactive media infor. For this special episode of The Hollywood Outsider, we have the inside look at what the SXSW festival is, what all the hype is about, and especially: The Movies! Spy, The Boy, Ex Machina, and many other films we will discuss on this episode, as well as you will get an insiders take from our own adventures deep in the heart of Texas. Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
*Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_SXSW_2015.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 6:52pm PST
Sun, 22 March 2015
In the Bryan Coyne's new film Infernal, out in theaters and VOD April 10th, Nathan (Andy Ostroff) and Sophia (Heather Adair) are a newlywed couple, both looking forward to a bright future. Not long after matrimony, Sophia becomes pregnant and ushers the pair’s first child into the world, Imogene. It soon becomes apparent that Imogene (Alyssa Koerner) is exhibiting strange and dangerous behavior, leaving the new parents floundering in their attempt to find answers. When Imogene’s actions become destructive, it becomes clear that forces beyond the natural world are at work, and that something – or SOMEONE – is pulling the strings. In this horrifying thrill ride the bonds of family are frayed, sides are taken and the terrifying events culminate in a shocking finale, all seen through the eyes of a terrified father. For this exclusive interview with director Bryan Coyne, Aaron sits down to have a spoiler-free discussion on the film. The conversation evolves to topics including the found-footage shooting style, the state of horror today, and much more. Join us for a riveting interview with a filmmaker on the move. Listen now to our exclusive interview with Infernal director, Bryan Coyne. Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Interview_with_Infernal_Director_Bryan_Coyne.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 6:27pm PST
Wed, 18 March 2015
What is our obsession with the penal system? For decades, we have been running to theaters or watching TV shows centered around life in prison. Why? Shouldn’t we be doing everything we can to avoid anything to do with lockup? Instead, we constantly seek to follow both the despicable and the innocent as they descend into purgatory. We discuss why we love jail in film and TV this week, as well as which characters we would want by our side should the law not go our way. Listen as we discuss this and much more on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider. Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
*Email us your thoughts on the episode to and be sure to join our Facebook Group
Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_181_The_HOs_Go_To_Jail.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 8:45pm PST
Wed, 11 March 2015
With word that Ghostbusters will now enter the foray of Shared Cinematic Universes, we ponder the question: Are we going too far? Ever since Marvel took the concept to a new level and became the gold standard in shared universes, every other studio in Hollywood has been out there trying to drum up a way to print endless greenbacks. Is it too much though? Listen as we discuss this and much more on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider. Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_180_Everyone_Gets_A_Cinematic_Universe.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 8:00pm PST
Wed, 4 March 2015
Nostalgia in film and television is our topic this week. Have we gone too far? Is there anything left for us to bring back? Can we ever truly recapture the feeling we first had with something we loved? Here is a list of what we also discuss on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast at:
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_179_Nostalgia_Have_We_Gone_Too_Far.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 8:49pm PST