This week on The HO: Upcoming releases Magic Mike, Ted and Madea’s Witness Protection - which is going to be our HO pick of the week; we review recent releases Rock of Ages and That’s My Boy, take a look at the new Resident Evil trailer as well as a little independent film that might catch your eye. Our From the Outside In topic this week: What films are we most looking forward to for the 2nd half of summer? We also discuss the latest movie and TV news (Snow Crash is finally getting adapted into a book; is Paramount falling apart?; Jesse Eisenberg is suing Lionsgate; Jesus wants to make a comeback to the big screen; guess who wants to return to late night; and much more). Scott tries to ‘Stump the HO’, Justin doesn’t think you can guess his ‘What’s THIS Movie?’ clip, and Brian brings this week’s ‘Flashback DVD’. 

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Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:33pm PST