Wed, 17 September 2014
Fall movies are on the docket for this week's episode of The Hollywood Outsider Podcast. What films are we looking forward to? What's the best Horror option? How about Family film? What looks just awful? Most importantly: What are our listeners looking forward to this movie-going season? All of these questions and more are answered on this week's show! This week on The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
Other Great Recent Hollywood Outsider Episodes: Listen here to our exclusive interview with Coherence Director James Ward Byrkit Listen here to our interview with Falcon Rising's Michael Jai White Listen here to our dedicated Expendables 3 podcast Listen here to our Guardians of the Galaxy dedicated podcast Follow this link for Aaron's new podcast - The Blacklist Exposed! Email us your thoughts on the episode to
Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_158_HOw_About_Those_Fall_Films.mp3
Category:Movie Podcast -- posted at: 10:31pm PST