Tue, 2 May 2017
Ya know who always gets the shaft when we’re talking about movie heroes? Sidekicks. That’s right, those rough-and-tumble heroes and heroines who might not have the title of the film, but they help save the world just the same. Through their own toughness, nobility, sometimes even flippant disdain for protocol, these are the ones who keep our heroes honest. With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 finally hitting theaters, we felt now is the perfect time for our latest Movie Battle Royale! So we dive into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and debate who is ultimately the greatest sidekick to compliment the heroes of the MCU. Black Widow? Vision? Rocket Raccoon? Eight sidekicks enter our ring this week, and only one will emerge as the Greatest Sidekick EVER! Later on in the show, we also discuss our personal picks for movies this summer. From Most Anticipated Overall to Most Anticipated Disappointment, these are our the films we’re most excited and terrified for. Discussed on this episode of The Hollywood Outsider Movie and TV Podcast:
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Direct download: The_Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_Sidekick_Movie_Battle_Royale_Ep_270_Hollywood_Outsider.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:15pm PST