On this episode, we're discussing CGI characters, from our first memory of them to our top favorites, joined by guest HO, Troy Heinritz from The Blacklist Exposed. While CGI characters are computer generated, so many of them have had a substantial impact on us, sometimes for inspiration and other times emotionally. Characters like Caesar from Rise, Dawn, and War of the Planet of the Apes, and Rocket and Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy, for example, have so much charisma, personality, and complexity that they connect on a deeper level with us. We figure with the expansion of CGI use and the recent release(s), that now is better than ever to discuss these effects we remember for years to come.

Also this week: spoiler-free reviews of Sonic the Hedgehog and Fantasy Island, upcoming releases, What's This Movie?, The HO Teachable Minute, and much more.

Discussed on this episode

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:55pm PDT