This week, upcoming films Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 and Silver Linings Playbook are on the table; we review Wreck-It Ralph and Man with the Iron Fists; new trailers for Side Effects and Despicable Me 2; and our From the Outside In topic this week: What franchises we would like to see continue as well as our Top 3 picks for this holiday’s releases.

As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news (A Locke and Key trilogy; Affleck teams up with Kristen Stewart; new Mortal Kombat and Muppets; a Tarzan reboot; and much more); Justin tries to Stump the HO’s; Scott takes the ‘What’s This Movie’ clip; and Aaron offers up this week’s Flashback DVD. We also introduce a new segment - Recasting the Classics. Subscribe at, on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!)

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_67.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 10:28pm PST

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