It’s all about Game of Thrones Season 3 on a Special Edition of The Hollywood Outsider! Everything from Season 3 from the beginning thru the finale: Joffrey to Tywin, Tyrion to Sansa, Dany and her dragons, justice for Theon, and even the infamous Red Wedding - It’s all part of our Game of Thrones Spoilercast. As well as what we want to happen in the future. Listen and Subscribe for FREE to a new episode every Thursday of The Hollywood Outsider at:, itunes, Stitcher Radio, or anywhere with an RSS feed. Also, leave us a message or text to 818-81-IMAHO(46246) or email us at with thoughts, praise, topic ideas, trivia or Flashbacks of your own. Like and share us on Facebook and Twitter! Facebook: Twitter: H_Outsider [...]
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