Our spoiler-free review of The Dark Knight Rises; discussing upcoming releases Total Recall and Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days; a new trailer for Man of Steel; our From the Outsider In topic this week: Our Top Films We Wish We Could Watch New Again. As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news (The Equalizer makes the transition to the big screen; The Hobbit 3?; Jack Ryan has his villain; more Dracula?; and much more); Brian offers up his Stump the HO question, a listener wants you to guess their movie clip and we even have listener Flashback’s this week! It’s also Episode 52 and we are celebrating our 1 year HOversary! That means several emails from listeners, winners of our HO t-shirt contests, some of our own personal thoughts and recollections on what the year has meant to us…and, of course, a nice collection of some of our favorite outtakes from the past year. Just a very fun episode. HO Podcast - 0:00 - 1:40:03 Anniversary Outtakes - 1:40 [...]

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