Discussing upcoming releases Warm Bodies, Bullet To the Head and Stand Up Guys; reviews for John Dies At the End, Silver Linings Playbook and Broken City; trailers for Spring Breakers and Red 2; and Our From the Outside In topic this week: What truly constitutes ripping a film off? …Meanwhile no HO’s were actually harmed during the making of this episode.

As always, we also bring you the latest in movie & TV news (Charlie Hunnam to reunite with Del Toro; Django Unchained collectible figures get labeled as racist; Zombieland the TV Series; and much more!); Scott tries to Stump us HO’s, Aaron offers up this week’s ‘What’s This Movie’ clip; and it’s Justin’s turn to offer up a little known flick with his Flashback DVD. Please share us on Facebook and Twitter with your friends who love movies! Subscribe at TheHollywoodOutsider.com, on itunes (reviews are appreciated), Stitcher Radio (give us a Thumbs Up!)

Direct download: The_Hollywood_Outsider_Ep_77_A_HO_Dies_At_the_End.mp3
Category:Uncategorized -- posted at: 1:05pm PST