Wed, 25 September 2019
What life skills have you learned from movies and television?The Karate Kid inspired millions to stand up to their bullies. You know what else it did? It taught people useful tools like waxing on, waxing off, and using chopsticks. Countless movies and TV shows have taught us so much over the years that it might be inconceivable to identify any one specific lesson we learned. But we're going to try anyway. On this week's episode of The Hollywood Outsider, original host Brian Williams returns to debate the crucial life lessons we've learned from years of watching movies and TV shows. From our childhoods to the ever present, from social to dating to survival skills, it's all on tap for a very fun discussion on the parents that lived inside our screens. Also this week: a news roundup, we discuss the emergence of Downton Abbey, and fan favorite "Sylvester Stallone" drops by to discuss and review Rambo: Last Blood with Aaron personally. Discussed on this episode
Direct download: HO368_Life_Skills_Rambo_Downton_Abbey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:01am PST
Tue, 24 September 2019
On this special episode, Tony Moran - the Michael Myers in John Carpenter's Halloween - stopped by to discuss working on that film, its legacy, and even clears up the confusion with Nick Castle's Shape. It's an interview any fan of Halloween will love!
Wed, 18 September 2019
Want to know what new TV shows to watch this Fall?It's time for our Fall TV preview 2019, including our most anticipated new and returning shows on the Fall television schedule. TV has evolved so much, and there are so many options, it becomes overwhelming every year to know what we should be spending our time on. Therefore we rolled up our sleeves, jumped in the water, and pulled out some of the best – and worst – that television has to offer. The Morning Show, The Mandalorian, Evil, Watchmen, His Dark Materials, The Witcher, and so many more shows are discussed and dissected on our annual plunge into the biggest season for television. Also this week: MoviePass says goodbye, reviews of Hustlers and Unbelievable, a game of What Would've Happened, and much more. Discussed on this episode
Tue, 10 September 2019
Have movies ever forced you to face your fears?What are you afraid of? Slashers in the woods? Bees? Spiders? Clowns? Do you willingly seek out movies or TV shows that showcase these fears, or avoid them like a Ritchie dodges Paul Bunyan? On this week's From The Outside In topic, we spin off of IT into a discussion on when movies forced us to throw away childish things and face our own innate fears head on, for better or worse. And why it is that movies can sometimes help with this trauma. Also this week, twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, forgetting everything that happened the first time around. When they each receive a phone call from Mike saying Pennywise is back in Derry, they all reunite to confront their fears and destroy Pennywise once and for all. After our normal show, Wayne Henderson from Castle Rock Zone (and our IT Remake This Movie RIGHT episode) joins Aaron and Amanda to drop down into the sewers and discuss the conclusion to Stephen King's magnum opus, IT: Chapter Two. Also this week: a news roundup, Face/Off gets a reboot and we offer our favorite duos, and our spoiler-free reviews of Freaks. Discussed on this episode
Direct download: HO366_Facing_Movie_Fears_and_IT_Chapter_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:45pm PST
Wed, 4 September 2019
![]() As we take the week off, here are three of our most popular topics from earlier this year: Television's most unappreciated supporting characters, our Stephen King Movie Battle Royale, and TV crossovers we need. First up, from Episode 351: We discuss the most unappreciated supporting characters on television, as well as what unappreciated even means to us. From shows like Fringe, Sons of Anarchy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and many others, we debate why we love these respective characters and the actors who portray them, as well as why we think audiences never quite appreciated them. Next, we head to Episode 347: We take a look at the movie adaptations of arguably the greatest horror author in history, Stephen King. For several decades now, both readers and audiences have been terrified by the works of Stephen King, in all forms of entertainment. As with anything, not all of his adaptations click, and occasionally the results are scarier than the source material. But those that do, have become classic films that have horrified generations. Because we love King, we left it to our listeners to decide the final eight films with which we’d handle our latest Movie Battle Royale, and the nominees are all great in their own way: Pet Sematary, The Mist, Misery, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Stand By Me, IT (2017), The Shining. But which of them is the greatest Stephen King adaptation of them all? Find out on our Movie Battle Royale! Finally, we head to Episode 346: We take a look at that weirdly connective phenomena which is known as the “TV crossover”. Networks have utilized these for years as examples as to how to sell their television shows to people who might not be watching them: Mulder and Scully went to COPS, Angela Lansbury headed to Magnum P.I., and the CW combines an entire DC universe once a year. These events can often be nothing more than publicity stunts, but often times they create something beautiful. And we’re going to throw our two cents in the mix, crossing over TV shows to create several brand new properties! Oh, we have some ideas.